A Look At The Top Reasons To Use Organic Fertilizer In Your Vegetable Garden

You have your heart set on growing everything from heirloom tomatoes to non-GMO corn in your vegetable garden, and you are considering the things you need to ensure you give your plants a healthy boost from the start. Of course, if you are concerned about keeping things as natural as possible, the organic fertilizers you come across at the gardening center will most assuredly catch your eye. These fertilizers are far different than the traditional types that are often filled with ingredients that you want to steer clear of. Take a look at some of the advantages of using organic fertilizer in your vegetable garden. 

Your soil will be able to hold water and nutrients better. 

The organic compounds that are in organic fertilizer are naturally designed to beef up the soil. The things you will find in the bag are actually things you would typically find in good healthy soil, so in a lot of ways, you are just enriching the soil with things it may be missing. For example, moss is a typical element in rich soil, and it can be found in a lot of organic fertilizer types. This ingredient is good for the soil because it acts as a sponge to absorb moisture and nutrients longer, which naturally encourages healthier vegetable plants. 

You will have a healthier dose of microbes in your soil. 

Microbial activity is a necessity if you want good health vegetable crops. The microbes will break down and digest things in the ground so they can be easier absorbed by the roots of the plant. If you are using a regular fertilizer product, you are likely going to be adding materials to the soil that will not support microbial development or action. Natural things like potassium and carbon are important for these tiny microorganisms to do their job, and these kinds of natural ingredients are not always in traditional fertilizing agents. 

Your vegetables will reproduce at a healthy rate. 

Most vegetables will reproduce if you allow them to continue growing once you have plucked what they have yielded. Corn, tomatoes, and even pepper plants will continue to sprout new growth if the plant is healthy. By using organic fertilizing agents, you will not just be giving plants what they need for that initial harvest to be plentiful, you will be giving the soil what it needs to support continuous yield beyond the first harvest. 
